It's Time to Take a Closer
Look at Layout Technology
As a small contractor, you increase your risks when you continue to use manual tools and
processes despite better technology being available. The potential for rework, payment
delays, and lost productivity that come from relying on manual and outdated methods for
layout can hurt your company's reputation, financial health, and future success.
A robotic layout station can be an efficient solution for many contractors. Unlike a total
station, it's specifically designed for layout and ease of use. A robotic layout station is
designed to be easy to use and doesn't include features or extras you don't need or want
to pay for. Helping you perform layout in a fraction of the time, a robotic layout station can
significantly improve your accuracy, productivity, and cost savings, and in turn build your
competitive advantage.
Robotic layout stations enable you to:
ý Ensure greater accuracy and avoid costly rework
ý Increase layout speed and efficiency
ý Document work performed and alleviate cash-flow concerns
ý Improve productivity and enjoy better project performance
To learn more, visit
Ready to see how a robotic layout station could work for you?
[Construction companies]
that aren't investing in new
technologies and systems are no
longer staying competitive.