FTG ENG | eBooks

Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality in Construction

Issue link: https://fieldtech.trimble.com/resources/i/1252356

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Using XR Technology in Construction While XR has broad application in construction, each individual technology is like any other tool in that it has unique considerations and is best suited to certain applications. Gaining a deeper understanding of how virtual, augmented, and mixed reality work will help clarify which technology to choose for specific situations. Virtual Reality (VR) How It Works Virtual reality got its start in the gaming industry by immersing players in artificial worlds. Wearing special goggles that removed the real world around them and projected a "virtual" reality instead, players became part of the game and were able to interact and respond within it using natural gestures and movements. VR goggles, regardless of their use in gaming or construction, operate using the same principles. Motion sensors in the hardware detect when the wearer turns their head. The digital image the user sees is then updated accordingly to present the new perspective. At the same time, handheld controls allow the user to point, interact with virtual objects, and direct their experience. VR Applications in Construction Because VR provides a fully immersive experience, it's an especially effective tool for design teams, contractors, and owners to review and approve plans and understand sites and spaces. The VR application controls the entire environment that the user sees, creating a uniquely detailed and dynamic individual experience. Some examples of how to use VR: • Owners can fully immerse themselves in the proposed design of a building that doesn't exist yet and see the concept take shape. • A team member that may not be located at the jobsite but wants to understand actual site conditions can virtually experience a scanned 3D model of the site in the office and then be able to communicate more effectively with employees in the field. • Construction contractors can also use VR to train workers on specific tasks in a safe environment, such as how to use heavy equipment or install electrical wiring.

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