FTG ENG | Product Guides, Brochures and Data Sheets

Trimble Ri Datasheet

Trimble Buildings Customer Success Stories

Issue link: https://fieldtech.trimble.com/resources/i/1478351

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DATASHEET fieldtech.trimble.com/Ri Trimble Ri Robotic Total Station Key Features • Level Detection & Monitoring • Built-in calibration • Focusing Red Laser EDM • Trimble Vision technology • Upgradeable Instrument • FieldLink Integration Total Performance Expanded range and various zoom levels plus new side to side search pattern for quick-lock onto prism, saves time when searching for a target. Built for Construction Trimble's most scalable, accurate and automated Robotic Total Station. Easy set-up for faster efficient positioning with minimal training required. The Trimble Ri is part of the Trimble Portfolio of Building Construction products advancing mixed reality technology through data visualization in the field. Leverage the XR10 with HoloLens 2, together with FieldLink MR, to view and measure with confidence and precision.

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